Saturday, December 12, 2009


The ultimate sweet. Originating in Brazil and named after Brigadier Eduardo Gomes (supposedly because he was dark and handsome), it's popularity has spread simply because it is soooo delicious.

This is a must-have for parties, especially chidren's parties - but be prepared for some hyperactive kids afterwards.

Made by mixing a little butter, condensed milk and chocolate powder. If you have a tendancy to eat sweet things, this is the food for you.

You will need a good quality pan with a thick bottom for this, if you burn the mixture it will ruin.

You might also want to use some individual mini muffin cases, but this is not essential.

Preparation time:
5 minutes + 30 minutes cooling + 30 minutes making

Cooking time:
15-25 minutes

half a spoon of butter
2 spoons of chocolate powder
1 can condensed milk
chocolate spinkles

Sift the chocolate powder into a pan, add the butter and condensed milk and mix as well as you can (there will be a few balls of butter but these will melt during heating).

Put on a low heat and stir and fold continuously until the mixture becomes just thick enough to stay on the spoon/spatula.

Pour into a lightly greased bowl and leave to cool for 15-30 minutes.

Lick the pan (you will not be able to resist!).

Pour some chocolate spinkles into a bowl.

Now comes the messy bit. One the mixture is cool, grease your hands with butter. With a teaspoon scoop up a little of the mixture, transfer to your hands and roll into a little ball. Drop into the sprinkles and roll around until the ball is covered.

Place in a muffin case and repeat the process until all the mixture is used up, you should have about 20 or so when finished.

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